YouTube Channel
LuvLux - Hermes Mini Pop H Ear Rings - Nior/Gold, Nior/RoseGold
Hermes Mini Pop H 耳環,手工精美,細緻。黑色配金的選擇,有個性,型格之餘不失貴氣。黑色配粉紅金會多一點女性味道,上班見客最好選擇。
Luv Lux - Hermes Terre D'Hermes Eau Intense Vetiver Eau de parfum Set 香水套裝 50% off
Terre d'Hermes Eau Intense Vetiver Eau de parfum 香水套裝 100ml Eau de Parfum + 40ml After Shave Lotion + 80ml Shower Gel
Price: HK$880.00 (Original price : HK$1760) 50% off
The strength of vetiver mixed with the vitality of the Sichuan pepper and green bergamot. Olfactory emotion: Spicy, Dry Main raw materials: Green bergamot, Sichuan pepper, Vetiver
Made in France
Volume: 100 ml
LuvLux - Showing Oran Charm & Shopping Bag Charm. 手工精細,代表 Hermes 完美手工的精神
Hermes Charm - 實物拍攝,精細,完美。